If You’ve Looked at Porn or Had Sex Before Marriage, Dave Ramsey Will Fire You

Steve Rhode
3 min readJan 6, 2022


Recently I wrote about a few lawsuits going on that involved Dave Ramsey or his company The Lampo Group.

In one of those suits, an unwed mother was fired from The Lampo Group a/k/a Ramsey Solutions.

A new court document has been that case that seems to extend the outrage Dave Ramsey and his company has against others. Apparently, if you saw any porn you can be fired as well.

The document filed by the attorneys representing The Lampo Group says, “It is universally known among employees of Defendant that sex outside of marriage is prohibited. Defendant promotes “biblically based, commonsense education and empowerment that give hope to everyone in every walk of life” as stated in its Mission Statement. To be consistent with its business and brand, the Company requires its employees to uphold its image by living out certain traditional Judeo-Christian values, one of which is the prohibition of premarital sex.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Plaintiff engaged in premarital sex and her employment was terminated as a result. In the course of discovery, Defendant provided Plaintiff with the names of eight (8) other people who the Company knew engaged in premarital sex over the past the five (5) years (“Premarital Sex Comparators”). Five (5) of the Premarital Sex Comparators were men and three (3) were women.”

“The vast majority of discovery sought by Plaintiff in this case was unrelated to Plaintiff’s employment or her termination. In fact, most of the discovery sought by Plaintiff was not related to the eight (8) Premarital Sex Comparators. Instead, the majority of the documents produced by Defendant and a significant portion of the deposition testimony of every company witness related to a single Non-Comparator who engaged in extramarital relationships. Basically, this lawsuit has become a platform for exposing this non-party’s transgressions and smearing the Company’s handling of the situation, none of which benefits or even relates to Plaintiff’s lawsuit.” — Source

Here is What I’m Stuck On

I understand Dave Ramsey is a closed business entity and can establish whatever rules he wants for employment. If they don’t comply with laws, that is a different issue.

But if Dave Ramsey or his companies are going to fire people for having sex outside marriage or looking at some porn, then how can he respect people he gives advice to that might have broken those two rules?

How does firing someone or looking down on someone that broke those two rules “give hope to everyone in every walk of life?”

What about compassion and forgiveness?

I would imagine if one of his employees had an affair they would be fired. But how far does the outrage go? What if you broke a law or another sin, or how about accidentally seeing something that others might call porn?

The attorneys for The Lampo Group say “Basically, this lawsuit has become a platform for exposing this non-party’s transgressions and smearing the Company’s handling of the situation, none of which benefits or even relates to Plaintiff’s lawsuit.” But isn’t it the actions of the company that are doing that?

Seven Deadly Sins

Cardinal sins or capital vices are:

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So How Many Deadly Sins Does Dave Ramsey Look Down On?

I guess we can lump sex outside of marriage and pornography in the first deadly sin — lust.

Ironically, if you read the claims of others in the ongoing lawsuits, it sounds like the Seven Deadly Sins have been bent on both sides.

All I’m saying is if you are going to be fired for lust, then you should also be fired for the other sins as well.

And if you ask Dave Ramsey for advice or buy his material, just know he doesn’t sound like he’s going to be your biggest fan if you’ve sinned.

The Judgment of Others Goes Two Ways

“Judge not, that you be not judged.

For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.” — Matthew 7

This verse simply states that he who judges will himself be judged. If you impose standards upon others, those same standards will be applied to you.

Originally published at https://getoutofdebt.org on January 6, 2022.



Steve Rhode
Steve Rhode

Written by Steve Rhode

Dog Rescue Pilot, Firefighter, Debt Coach, and a Nice Guy

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